December 2019 Statistics

December 2019 statistics compared to December 2018 statistics show a nine percent decrease in “Calls for Service” and a 67 percent increase in traffic accidents.
What are “Calls for Service?” This is ANY incident or concern in which you may call us for when you are in need of assistance.

Traffic contacts had a nine percent increase compared to the month of December last year. We issued 364 citations and 645 warnings (on some contacts more than one warning or citation is issued.) These numbers reflect our interest to educate and remind people of what their responsibilities are on the roadway and to make our community a safer place to drive, bike and walk.

“Part One Crimes” for the month of December 2019 compared to the month of December 2018 stayed the same with no Homicides, no Sexual Assaults, and no Arson. We did have one Aggravated Assault in December 2019 compared to none in December of 2018. Thefts increased from seven (7) to eleven (11.) We had no Motor Vehicle Thefts, and one Burglary (non-residential construction theft) in December 2019.

Part One Crimes are essential quality of life crimes that have adverse effect on the community. These crimes are the most serious offenses against the community. These crimes are based on what “city crime rates” reflect, based on population.

We contribute many of these low numbers regarding serious crime to YOU, the community. Your aggressive style, awareness and willingness to get involved, help us deter crime.

When you see something suspicious, YOU call us, and we appreciate it. We have your back, and we know you have ours.