July 2017 Statistics Report

July 2017 statistics compared to July 2016 statistics show a 26 percent increase in “Calls for Service” and no change in traffic accidents.

What are “Calls for Service?” This is ANY incident or concern, you the public, call us for, when you are in need of assistance.

Traffic contacts had a 140 percent increase compared to the month of July last year. We issued 197 citations and 950 warnings. The numbers reflect our interest to educate and remind people of what their responsibilities are on the roadway and to make our community a safer place to drive, bike and walk.

“Part One Crimes” for the month of July 2017 compared to the month of July 2016 stayed the same with no Homicides, no Sexual Assaults, no Motor Vehicle Thefts and no Robberies. Thefts increased from (4) four to (6) six. Assaults stayed the same with (2) two. No change in Burglary offenses as they stayed the same with no reported burglaries compared from the month of July 2016 to July 2017.
Part One Crimes are essential quality of life crimes that have adverse effect on the community. These crimes are the most serious offenses against the community. These crimes are based on what “city crime rates” reflect, based on population.

We had no officer complaints during the month of July, 2017.

We contribute many of these low numbers regarding serious crime to YOU, the community. Your aggressive style and awareness help us deter crime. When you see something suspicious, YOU call us.

Just in case you still have not placed our number in your cell phone, here it is: 281-346-2202. Remember though, in an emergency, please dial 9-1-1.

We are proud to be YOUR partners in the fight against crime to help keep OUR community safe for everyone.

We have your back and we know YOU have ours.